Math tutoring
Mathematics tutoring in Frankfurt am Main
Die Grundlage für eine gute Leistung in Mathematik, besonders in der prä-Q-Phase ist die Fähigkeit zu rechnen. Sehr viele Schüler verlernen das Rechnen und scheitern deswegen an einfachen Aufgabestellungen.
Die Nachhilfe in Mathematik stellt zunächst sicher, dass Lücken beim Rechnen geschlossen werden und die Schüler eine Sicherheit beim Gleichungenlösen, Brüchenrechnen, Ableitungenrechnen, binomischen Formel etc gewinnen. Liegt diese Fähigkeit vor, so konzentrieren wir uns auf Algebra, Analysis und Stochastik.
Die Nachhilfe in Mathematik besteht hauptsächlich aus Üben bis zur Sicherstellung, dass die benötigten Inhalte von den Schülern beherrscht werden.
Sciences in Frankfurt
Mathematics is very often a challenge for pupils. Our experience shows that, in most cases, the math basics are incomplete, students have not learned arithmetic properly, generally little is practiced and the relationships are not sufficiently explained at school. All of these reasons lead to a continuous decline in math performance, and at some point students are unable to deal with the new material. If students lack the basics, if they cannot deal with fractions / equations / rearranging forms / binomial formulas, it is very difficult for them to work on other topics that are discussed in higher classes. The higher the math level, the more math has to be done. So it is not only the ability to calculate that plays an important role in success, but also the speed with which students calculate correctly. Time pressure is always relevant, especially in higher grades up to the Abitur. The connection between the various topics must also be understood so that the students can draw on existing knowledge and apply it. If it is not clear to you as a student what serves what purpose and can be used, you will not be able to apply existing knowledge. Text problems are a typical example of this. Sciences in Frankfurt supports you in mathematics at all levels in the Frankfurt am Main metropolitan region, one of the most important financial centers in Europe. Our team will also support you in math in English if you attend one of the international schools in the Rhine-Main region. We are happy to come to your home, whether you live in Westend, Nordend, Bockenheim, Bornheim, Ostend, Niederursel, Eschersheim, Höchst, Niederrad, Sachenhausen, Schwannheim, Nied or Rödelheim.
Contact us and discuss your request with us. We will be happy to advise you free of charge by telephone. Your Sciences in Frankfurt team